• "Every story of hardship can be turned into a Hero's Journey. The secret is being brave enough to let go of what you've heard, and listen to what you instinctively know."


    broken image



    Hi, I'm Sarah.


    Stress Resilience and

    Post Traumatic Growth Expert,


    Educator | Speaker | Author

  • About Me

    Always one to question convention, it took me all of 3 weeks after completing my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling to realize I am not cut out to be a traditional therapist.


    Perhaps it's my experience as a veteran who battled crippling PTSD that had me questioning the diagnostic model of mental health. Or maybe it's my journey as a special needs parent, where I learned to combine science and nurturing to support my child's unbelievable growth. Most likely a combination of both, but either way I was compelled to pursue a different path.


    Whatever it was, I knew one thing: life had taught me so much more about resiliency, growth, and abundance than I learned in graduate school or during the hundreds of internship hours that followed.


    My experience of Overcoming shapes this practice. My education allows me to frame what I've learned in an accessible and impactful way for anyone ready to do the work.


  • Do you recognize any of these Behavior Loops?

    These are the five behavior patterns my clients Identify most often as barriers to their growth.
    (Click on each to learn more)